Andrews, Bob – Liberia

Our Story

African Bible College

The purpose of my mission work is to train and equip future leaders for Liberian churches, ministries, schools, radio stations, communities and the nation at large through a quality, four-year Baccalaureate degree in Biblical Studies, Education, or Mass Communication. Regardless of their major, all students take a core curriculum of Biblical courses along with general education courses in English, mathematics, computer skills, science, and social sciences. The goal is to produce godly men and women who have a solid understanding and practice of Biblical doctrine worldview, and lifestyle and academic and professional excellence in their chosen major.

Teaching the Treasures of God’s Truth

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The college motto is “Teaching the Treasures of God’s Truth.” The Bible is the foundation for all courses. My work as Dean of Academics is to oversee the academic program, by determining which courses are needed each semester, making teaching assignments for the available professors, tracking student’s progress toward graduation, providing academic advice to students, and working with professors to address academic problems. My work as a Professor is to teach science and education courses within both the general education curriculum and the required courses for education majors, especially those students interested in teaching science.

My call to missions

In 1985, I enrolled in a Master’s program in biology. As I was contemplating and praying about where I was going with my education and career, God planted a vision in my mind. It came quickly and did not align with anything that I had been thinking about and considering before. God clearly told me that since I had and was continuing to receive a quality education inthe USA, that I needed to share what I had gained in an overseas situation. From the moment that vision came to me I knew that was the direction I needed to go and my attention was focused on seeing when and how that vision could be implemented. I finished my Master’s and was hired by the university to teach. During that time I was saving money and looking for an overseas opportunity. When I read about the recently independent nation of Namibia and the great need for science teachers in that nation, it seemed like the opportunity I was looking for. I made an application, was accepted, and in 1992 I traveled to Namibia. I lived there for nine years, teaching in a secondary school, helping with administration, and serving as the adult leader for the student Scripture Union group. I left Namibia when a Namibian became qualified to teach my subject in the school.

During several years back in the US, I had a dream in which I saw myself teaching in Uganda, a country I had never given any thought of traveling to. God also impressed upon me at that time that His call to teach overseas was still in effect. Soon I found a teaching opportunity at a private Christian college in Uganda, and I taught there for four years. I left when my personal savings, which I had been using to support myself as a volunteer professor, were no longer sufficient. I returned to the US, and over the next four years, God integrated me more thoroughly into my home church in Colorado. People began approaching me about supporting me financially to return to Africa.

In 2011, I was asked by a church group to travel to Liberia to make some contacts for potential educational assistance there. While there, I met the president of African Bible College University, who invited me to come to ABCU to teach. I did so in 2012, and have remained there as a professor and the Dean of Academics. During the year that ABCU in Liberia was closed due to Ebola, I spent one academic year doing similar work at the African Bible College in Malawi. I returned to Liberia once ABCU reopened, and I continue that work today.


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