Our Story


We desire to use our training, experience, and God-given abilities to share the saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ with the people of the region.

“I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some…I do it all for the sake of the gospel.”
1 Cor 9:22b-23



Kristina will be serving at a hospital as a Nurse Manager. Andrew will be working with another partner agency to provide support unique to his training and education.

The children will be in local schools or under local care providers in-country.



Andrew and Kristina have been married since 2011, now with 3 children. Andrew has been working as a medical chaplain for over 10 years. Kristina has been a Registered Nurse since 2006, and now as a Nurse Practitioner since 2015. They desire to serve the Lord in any capacity that all peoples may know Him.



Our greatest need is prayer support for our family and ministry. Our prayer requests include health, cultural transition, safety, and language development. We also ask for prayers for open hearts and revival.


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