Austin, Tim & Eve – Encompass Ministries

Our Story

Thanks for visiting our page and we are excited to partner with you! 

We have 20 years of experience as cross-cultural workers, serving in Tajikistan and Turkey. While raising our kids and doing family in those places, we served in areas of church planting & discipleship, caring for staff and managing projects of humanitarian organizations.

Our focus in this season of life is helping missionaries and church leaders navigate the complexities of transition. At the heart of what we do is SOUL CARE – encouraging, equiping and supporting missionaries and church leaders so they can thrive in their place of service, not merely survive.

Our Ministry Objectives

1. To build upon our long-standing relationship with hundreds of pastors & churches, by
supporting them through the challenges of life and ministry.
2. To engage with our network of missionaries, ministry teams and sending
organizations through coaching and counseling, as well as conducting soul
care retreats and workshops. 

Here are some specific ways we come alongside:


  • Hope and healing for ministry couples and individuals.


  • Support for individuals and teams facing life and ministry transitions.


  • Re-Entry for Missionaries
  • Transitions
  • Resilience
  • Renewal and Soul Care


  • Mission-focused
  • Hope, healing & encouragement

Questions? Connect with us at

“The complexities of life and ministry often call for another set of eyes and ears, someone
to come alongside and offer resources, support and encouragement. Drawing from 20
years of experience as AGWM missionaries, combined with professional training to equip
them for Soul Care, Tim and Eve Austin have a heart and vision to see people thrive. I
highly recommend them as a resource to our NCN church leaders and missionaries.”

– Dr. Sam Huddleston, Assistant District Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Northern California & Nevada District

Image | Austin, Tim &Amp; Eve – Encompass Ministries | Servants Of Christ International


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Faith Takes Flight by Jim Walters.