Colossians 4:2 Fellowship

Our Story

This program of SOCI has one full time worker and many volunteers. No names of people nor places can be listed publicly for security reasons.

Our Mission

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – Matthew 25:35-36

Our Values

Jesus Christ taught that in order to love Him, we must be His imitators. To imitate Christ, we must abide in Him, thereby coming to know His heart. The Psalmist reveals the heart of Christ:

“He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free. The LORD gives sight to the blind; the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the alien; and sustains the fatherless and the widow; but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” – Psalm 146:7-9

At the core of our values is providing compassionate and Christ-centered ministry to those Christ came to serve: the oppressed, the hungry, the captive, the blind, the lowly, the alien, the orphan and the widow. This involves:

Holistic Ministry

As exemplified by Christ Himself, we believe that Christ-centered, compassionate ministry must address both physical and spiritual needs; therefore, our approach to ministry addresses the development of the whole person.

There are five major tasks under the Colossians 4:2 Fellowship banner:

  1. Evangelism within the local context: Dangerous, but if done in a holistic manner can open hearts to the Gospel)
  2. Globally viewed the Body of Christ is facing a plague of Persecution and in some parts of the world specially those who live in Close Countries suffer with more Intensity and Severity in spite of that having Hope, Witness and Faith of Risen King Jesus responding to the call of the persecuted brethren by being equipped and blessed with faith, witness and calling from Master Jesus and as per His teaching.
    • Christianity is a Rescue Religion: As Witnesses of Christ in the light of Proverbs 14: 25 we should be Rescue people either spiritually or physically by alleviating their suffering, overcoming barriers under Holistic Vision i.e.
      God laid on our heart to serve the persecuted, specially for those who are suffering persecution in silence.
      • Serving the persecuted brethren is a special Privilege and Honor and to represent and being their Envoy.
      • Serving them still is a core of our mission work and God laid on my heart to do so i feel very passionate and think i am born to serve the suffering ones as i feel painful to see other people in pain and want to share the love of Christ in Action and giving testimony to them that “Jesus does care about you and you are not forgotten”
      • Long time before I used to think upon what I had studied, that in Christianity there is a paradoxical teaching that tough times are part of what I do in God’s service. Just as the Apostles, God’s people all faced tough times and persecution. And, above all, the founder and cornerstone Jesus Christ had faced persecution and suffered for a Mission. Likewise His followers should expect it as well.
  3. Prayer ministry: I believe the major training for Believers here is “How to pray Biblically” in the power of the Holy Spirit. I have hosted a Prayer Conference on this topic already. Others have asked me to hold similar trainings across the regions.
  4. Serving poor families: Christians in this part of the world  are considered  “scum”. They are detested. Their jobs are cleaning sewers and toilets and other demeaning jobs. They mostly live on the outskirts of major cities in what are slums.
  5. Deliverance ministry: God has called me to this, and often I address demonic activities and cast them out. Often also, God graciously gives physical healing to those I pray over.

The Colossians 4:2 Fellowship represents:

  1. An approach that is to serve the persecuted and poor.
  2. Support for those who are suffering persecution in silence. They cannot share publicly their suffering for fear of reprisal.
  3. Advocacy work at different levels for these persecuted ones by maintaining a low profile as much as possible due to security reasons.
  4. Service, aid and share the Love of Christ in Action with the poor, forgotten and marginalized ones with a Holistic Vision i.e. serving both Spiritual and Physical needs. (We serve children, women, and families living out in the poor neighborhoods.)
  5. Much needed prayer initiatives. In the context of preaching and discipleship we involve lay preachers and lay people in an effort to empower the laymen more.
  6. An evangelistic approach is based upon the context of our current realities of our culture. So we have to be sensitive to our surroundings.


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