Braedan and Tzivi are using outdoor education to introduce people to Jesus and empower believers in their faith. They are now serving at a Christian camp in the village of San Antonio Belize where God is moving in some exciting ways!
When I was 17 years old, I first encountered the world of outdoor education. Through wilderness backpacking trips, I learned how intentionally stepping into challenges strengthened my faith. At that time I was struggling spiritually; questioning His goodness and His love for me personally. Fortunately, my parents and mentors gave me space to ask these questions and wrestle with difficult concepts. Even though I still had questions, I came to a profound realization: The cross is enough.
I realized that although I might never fully understand God’s reasoning, I could still see the beauty of His character through sacrificial love. The God of the Bible was willing to suffer and die in order to rescue His children. That was a God that I was willing to follow wholeheartedly!
My internal struggle with God reminded me of what I learned from my first wilderness trip: that God uses uncomfortable situations to grow our relationship with Him. My desire to help others grow in similar ways led me to work as a wilderness guide for over 7 years. Almost 3 years ago, I was blessed to meet an amazing person named Tzivi who shares this same dream and consistently encourages me to grow in my relationship with Jesus. We plan to get married soon and keep pursing Christian outdoor ministry together!
Tzivia’s Testimony
God became real to me for the first time at age 15 when I was backpacking through the Wind River Range in Wyoming. With no distractions and experiencing a full immersion in the wilderness, I began to see God all around. One night I stayed up late looking at the sky, contemplating its beauty and complexity. Then Psalm 8:3-4 came to mind. Who am I that the Lord Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, cares for me? Who am I that the Lord keeps pursuing me and wanting to bring me closer to Him? My identity was confirmed at that moment: I am the child of God. That’s all I’ve ever been and all I will ever be. Since that moment I decided to live my life according to my identity. My heart was set on fire with a desire to help others find their identity in God through experiencing His creation.
Seven years later this desire is still present. As I have studied God’s word more deeply over the years, I’ve noticed how God used the wilderness as a place for transformation, restoration, and revelation of His character. I believe that this is still relevant today more than ever.
God was so good to send me someone who shares the same vision and is willing to step out in faith alongside me to pursue this dream. Two are better than one and I’m so thankful that Braedan and I get to partner with God to expand His kingdom here on earth!
Ministry Experience
Why Missions?
You might be wondering, why not keep working as guides, leading secular trips and sharing your faith on the side? In reality, non-faith based guiding usually revolves around brief interactions with clients who are far more interested in pursuing adventure activities than conversations about spiritual topics. Working as a support-raised missionaries will allow us to focus primarily on discipleship and also facilitate these experiences for people who would never afford it otherwise.
I, Braedan, was introduced to cross-cultural missions work through short term trips to East Asia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Belize. The uncertainty of living in a foreign culture stretched my faith and taught me to rely on God. I have now spent over 15 months living internationally, practicing my Spanish along the way. I received a masters degree from Colorado Christian University in Executive Leadership for Christian Ministry, and am eager to share what I have learned with others!
Ministry Focus
Showers of Glory Camp!
Just 1 year ago, a Belizean local named Tracie Tzib decided to step out in faith and begin the development of this camp just 1 year ago. She saw the need for discipling the next generation in her town of San Antonio, and wants to do so through outdoor children’s ministry! Tzivi and I are starting our journey by partnering with this camp, and are excited to share our experience in outdoor programming!
As you can imagine, starting a new camp in a developing country is a massive undertaking! They need resources, encouragement, and training in order to make this dream a reality. Every step of the process has required a great deal of faith and courage.
Tzivi and I are also partnering with an organization called Just 1 Global to establish an international internship program. Our hope is that this program will open doors for young adults who are hungry to grow in their faith as they see how God is at work in Belize!
Want to be a part of this?
We are searching for people who are excited to participate!
Will you pray about whether the Lord might want you to join us?
That might look like:
1. Praying for us consistently?
2. Partnering with us financially?
3. Giving to the Showers of Glory camp?
4. Participating in a short-term mission trip with Just 1 Global?
5. Pursuing God through wilderness adventure?
6. Sharing this vision with people who might want to hear about it?
7. Encouraging us with a message?
We want you to invest in the Great Commission in the way that God leads you! If you are already partnering with other causes or missionaries, please do not feel any pressure to support us.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Either way, we are grateful for your encouragement and presence in our lives!