Zeteo Missions, Philippines
Kate Berg is the director and co-founder of an independent mission, Zeteo Missions, in the Philippines. The term “Zeteo” is from the New Testament term for “I seek with a passion.”
Zeteo Missions was founded a little over 10 years ago as a openly Christian mission whose core ministry is a children’s home catering to orphaned, abandoned, neglected children – with our primary focus being children ages 0-3 years old on intake whose lives have been impacted by trafficking. We function as a non -government organization, (NGO), with an active license from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. This enables us to be a residential care facility and safe house. On site we work to be a healing community for our children (and staff). We lean heavily on Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) materials from the Karyn Purvis Institute for Child Development, and consult regularly with a child trauma therapist in the United States.
Surrounding our core ministry, we do limited relief work in the community as part of our Christian witness as a mission. This includes disaster relief (as relevant to our area), medical relief (we do regular wound care for accidents and help interface with the hospital for medical emergencies among the desperately poor in our rural area), food relief (to widows and the sick, as well as teaching community members to grow their own food), and advocacy (helping people obtain legal ID’s, benefits, etc). These ministries were in the forefront in early years as we built relationship and standing in the community. Now they are carried out on a small scale as part of what we see as our “normal Christian life” as opposed to our ministry.
Click for more information on Zeteo Missions
Click to listen to Kate at Saint Peter’s Anglican Church in Loveland (Audio)