Spring of Hope in Life
The overarching purpose is to save children who are forced to live and survive on the streets of Kenya.

Our mission focuses on 3 areas:
Spring of Hope in Life (SHL) hopes to save the lives of every orphaned street kid in Kenya. We do this through preaching the gospel, spending intentional time with them, teaching bible studies on the streets. sharing in communion, and showing them love. We go out to the streets every Thursday night and fellowship with the boys. We always evaluate each boy and make sure they are doing ok and aren’t sick, injured or in danger. We share the Lord with them and provide food/clothing/medications as needed. All we want to do is know each and every precious kids out there.
Spring of Hope in Life
Spring of Hope in Life is a permanent “home” we offer to qualifying kids who want to leave the streets and serve the Lord. There are currently 15 boys residing there, and 15 have graduated out and are on their own. The boys lived around such horrid condition. The experienced starvation, being raped by older boys, physical violence, sexual abuse, abandonment, disease and addiction which has deeply wounded them. Our 1st priority is to help them rest and relax and heal. We create a, loving environment for them to call home.
The boys are cared for 24/7 by a team of believers who love the boys as their own. Slowly the boys learn to trust again. We help each boy spiritually, mentally emotionally and physically through our relationships. We teach them basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes. All 15 boys are Christian, so respectful, they are ushers at our Pastors Church and attending a public school, they 3 meals a day, and are overall healthy.
Over the years we have taught the SHL boys numerous skills and trades that can be used to generate money in the future. They raise rabbits, knit scarves, play guitar, know basic computer skills and photography. We want to expand the ministry and rescue all the other street kids (including girls) from the streets. There is no one helping the street girls. James and I are the sole financial supporters for this ministry home and we don’t have enough money to sponsor any more kids. Our goal for them is to one day be fully self sufficient and able to sustain the ministry using their own talents and resources.