Davis, Kevin – Open Hearts Baja

Our Story

OPEN HEARTS BAJA – the ministry of Kevin and Isabel Davis

I have been working as a missionary in Baja California for 4 years now, mostly building houses for the impoverished. God has put it on my heart to develop a community development and care program, serving them by introducing home churches, bringing in doctors to communities for clinics, food and daily care dispenses for residents.

Also we’ll bring Story Time for kids using the methods developed by Kids around the World for their Hope Zone programs, and installing playgrounds alongside Kids around the World. Lastly I will be using my 30 years of firefighting experience to invest in local fire departments in Baja, seeking to bring the word of Christ to local firefighters.

Our long- term goal would be to see successful home churches thriving in colonias, and regular churches being built in communities. seeing people transformed with Godly men and women thriving and discipling their own communities. Our vision is to help communities with the right tools and raise them up to thrive on their own without the need for outside help as time goes on. And to see fire stations transformed by the asking of Christ into the lives of the firefighters, encouraging and enhancing their brothers and sisters in the fire service as well as their own communities.


Pray for us, Come down and work with us, and support us financially through the Donate links on this website. 


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