Melissa Brown – Missionary Nurse
I started with Mercy Ships in 2009 as a short-term volunteer, serving as an OR nurse. By the end of 2010 I had done their introductory course into serving long-term aboard our hospital ship the Africa Mercy, and became a long-term volunteer. It’s now 12 years later, and I’ve served in a long-term capacity since then, within our hospital leadership team holding various roles within the Operating Room department leadership team.
Most recently I’ve been the Operating Room Manager since 2016. Serving with Mercy Ships has been the most incredible, life-changing, transforming, challenging and hard all in one. During the pandemic, when our hospital ship had to pause service from March 2020 to Jan 2022, I was back in the states for about 9 months and spent a season living in South Africa last year from April to end of August.
During that time, I felt God putting in my heart the desire for serving clinically as an OR nurse within a land-based mission hospital setting. I did some research and applied to other organizations to serve with, while we were on hold with Mercy Ships. There were some new doors that were opening, and I was excited to step through in faith to new paths I felt the Lord paving in 2021.
I was able to serve with CURE International for 2 months last year as an OR nurse and to help with an eye program in Senegal in late October, with local surgeons and nurses, coming alongside them in a mentoring role. Both of these opportunities were very special and got me more excited about what could be ahead. Also, there was a possible door opening in South Africa last year as well to volunteer with an ophthalmic NGO providing free surgeries.
Meanwhile, my commitment to Mercy Ships was going to be through most of the year 2022, which we’re now in our final weeks here in Senegal. In the past few months, as we’ve carried out the field service here, it’s become more apparent and affirming to me that it’s time to step away from Mercy Ships for the next year 2023 to take a healthy break away and to also pursue other short term mission opportunities that I feel God is continuing to open doors and see where this leads.
The next immediate steps are to finish the current field service here in Senegal, stepping away the end of November ending my commitment. I will plan to spend some time back in the states having a break with my family, being there through January at a minimum. Meanwhile, I have been in touch with CURE International again in Zambia to inquire about doing a short-term contract again there next year as well as continuing to pursue my nursing registration with the South African nursing council to serve there. This is what is currently in play. I will continue to pray into what it looks like to re-engage with Mercy Ships once again at the end of 2023, with possible short term service in 2024.
My heart beats medical mission/faith based mission and I foresee that continuing over these next 5 years. I just don’t know if it will be in a Long-term capacity once again with one organization or different organizations for short-term commitments.