Our Story

Program Information:

God has called me to teach current and future ministry leaders worldwide on short-term trips. I teach in seminaries, evangelical colleges, seminars, conferences, etc. My prayerful goal is to teach in about five such trips a year (although due to circumstances, the last two years it has been less than that).

Jim’s personal story:

I was raised in a mainline Protestant church where I never remember hearing the gospel. As a result, I began searching for God in other religions, eventually spending four years with a Hindu mindset and meditating every day. My third year of college, I met some students who really did seem to know God and I hungered for what they had. They explained the gospel to me. For four months I was torn between putting my faith in Christ and letting go of Hinduism. Finally, on a student retreat, I made the decision to let go of Hinduism completely and trust Jesus completely for my salvation.

As my life began to change and I saw God using me, I sensed that I would never be happy doing anything other than serving Him fulltime. During college and seminary I worked with college and high school students. After graduation, I became a youth pastor for several years, then a college and singles pastor, then a senior pastor. After serving one church for 23 years, God called me return (for the fourth time) to seminary to earn a Ph.D. so I could teach on the college and seminary level. I did. It’s a long story, but now I am retired from the pastorate and teach online for Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and on short-term trips overseas.

Jim’s call:

When my wife and I were in our early thirties, we sensed God’s call to missions and applied to serve with the International Mission Board. Because of a health issue, we were told to wait. So we determined to do everything we could to help reach the nations where we were. God did some amazing things through the churches we served and we took many short-term trips overseas. At this point in our lives, we feel strongly called to the short-term teaching ministry I described above. Since my retirement I (and usually with my wife, Michelle), have served in Portugal, Greece, Romania, Mexico, and Ethiopia. Michelle’s supportive and encouragement ministry multiplies our effectiveness.


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Faith Takes Flight by Jim Walters.